Commercial Use

Based on JIS S 3201

 SubstancesDescription / Potential Health Effects 
1Free residual chlorineChlorine is the most commonly used disinfectant. Affect the taste of water.SUPER HIGH GRADEHIGH GRADEHIGH STANDARDSTANDARDBASIC
2TurbidityIs a measure of the cloudiness of water; an indication water quality and filtration effectiveness. Particles in water that may not be visibleSUPER HIGH GRADEHIGH GRADEHIGH STANDARDSTANDARD
3TrihalomethanesGeneral term of for four chemical compounds(chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, bromoform) generated by the reaction of organic substances in water to chlorine used in water filtration treatments, Suspected of being carcinogenic.SUPER HIGH GRADEHIGH GRADEHIGH STANDARD
4ChloroformOne of trihalomethanes, Suspected of being carcinogenic.SUPER HIGH GRADEHIGH GRADEHIGH STANDARD
5BromodichloromethaneOne of trihalomethanes, Suspected of being carcinogenic.SUPER HIGH GRADEHIGH GRADEHIGH STANDARD
6DibromochloromethaneOne of trihalomethanes, Suspected of being carcinogenic.SUPER HIGH GRADEHIGH GRADEHIGH STANDARD
7BromoformOne of trihalomethanes, Suspected of being carcinogenic.SUPER HIGH GRADEHIGH GRADEHIGH STANDARD
8LeadPerceived as a problem because there is a possibility of causing intellectual damage to infants and babies if it is accumulated in their mothers.SUPER HIGH GRADEHIGH GRADE
9CATOrganic chemicals, herbicides, pesticides used in a number of crops (agricultural or gardens) as well as non-crop areas, It is suspected of disrupt the endocrine (hormones) system.SUPER HIGH GRADE
102-MIBA mold. It affects the taste of water.SUPER HIGH GRADE
11TetrachloroethyleneIs widely used as in drycleaning; and as solvent for degreasing metals in automotive, metal, light industries. It is suspected to harm liver and kidney, a carcinogen.SUPER HIGH GRADE
12TrichloroethyleneIs a chemical compound used as a industrial solvent for degreasing metals. It is suspected to harm liver and kidney, and be a carcinogen.SUPER HIGH GRADE
131,1,1-trichloroethaneIs widely used as a cleaning solvent in electrical, electronics industry, as a solvent for adhesives, ink, paints, coatings, textile dyes, as a coolant, lubricant. It is suspected to harm the liver and kidney and be a carcinogen.SUPER HIGH GRADE
Substances Removal1-131-81-71-21